Current of CleverFinger have a total of 15 elements and they are

1. StaticText
2. TextInput
3. Checkboxes
4. Dropdown
5. Radioboxes
6. FormIDInput
7. RiskInput
8. TimeInput
9. DateInput
10. ImageInput
11. DrawingInput
12. SignatureInput
13. GPSLocationInput
14. BarCodeInput
15. Questionnaire

Static Text

StaticText is standard text label. In StaticText we can also define the style of the label as Title, heading, subheading or normal text. Normal text will be selected by default.
Things to remember; inside a grid row if weight is 10% maximum 8 characters will fit.


Text Input

TextInput is an input box where user will be able to type. We can set type of input as number’s only or standard where user will be able to enter as many characters as they want.
Things to remember; inside a grid row if weight is 10% maximum 10 characters will fit.

Check boxes

Checkboxes will be a list of checkboxes one after another one and user will be able to check as many as they want or none if needed. We can have checkboxes checked if needed.
Things to remember: only the selected checkboxes will appear in the printed version.


Radio boxes

Radioboxes is also another selection option with this we can select only one option from the list. Option list can have more than two options but only one can be selected. Pre-selection of option is also possible in Radioboxes.
Things to remember: Radioboxes will show only the selected option on the print version.

Drop down

Dropdown is a dropdown list with will have a list from where user will be able to select only one option. Dropdown can have a preselected option will be selected when the form will be loaded on the screen.

Form ID Input

This field consists of multiple items two text input box and one toggle button. The first text input box is the prefix which is fixed and the second text input is the one which needed to be filled. Once the button is pressed to set the form ID will be locked. The idea is one form may have multiple inputs for form ID but all of them must be same and client doesn’t want to fill it again and again.

Risk Input

RiskInput is a button on click a popup screen of risk calculator will appear on the screen. On the risk calculator by touching on risk level the button’s name will be replaced with the risk level’s value. On print button’s value will be printed.


Time Input

Simple button on click a time selector will pop up on screen. After selecting a time the button will be replaced with a clickable text label with the selected time in it.
Things to remember: Time format hh:mm:ss tt, example: 08:10:11 AM.


Date Input
Simple button on click a date selector will pop up on screen. After selecting a date the button will be replaced with a clickable text label with the selected date in it.
Things to remember: Time format yyyy-MM-dd, example 2013-02-14.

GPS Location Input

On click grabs the GPS location of the device. Speed and accuracy of getting the location depends on the actual location and GPS signal’s strength.

Bar Code Input

Is a button like camera input on click opens barcode scanner and scans any barcode with the camera.

Image Place Holder Input

With Image Place Holder we can place any image in side a form but image needed to supply in installation time of the form.

Image Input

Gives a button on click the camera application will open and on save it will save the captured image in side clever finger app and will also show on the screen instead of the camera button.


Signature Input

This is a white squire on click it will open a signature pad to sign with finger or sPen.

Drawing Input

This is also another white squire on click opens a drawing board with lines or touch options to draw and with an eraser.