Clever Fingers Form layouts are the containers that hold elements in the form and give it a structure. Clever finger have three types of form layouts.

Linear structure

In this structure all elements of the form will be placed line by line. And one line can have only one element. If an element has a Label it will print the Label in one line and then the element in the next line.


It is possible to use linear layout in conjunction with outer type of layouts.

Note: Font size in Linear Layout is larger than other layouts.

GridTable structure

This is also a very simple table structure. In this structure we have multiple columns in a GridTable and can place an element in each on this column.


Every cell in a GridTable can have different items. In fact we need to define what element will go in each cell of the table.

For each section of the document we need to create a GridTable and they will be placed one after another. For example there might be a section about address of a company and the next section is about deception of the job, these two sections have nothing in common and the number of columns required is also different, so it might be a good idea to create one GridTable for each of this section. The rule of Thumb is; create separate GridTable if two consecutive section’s column structure is two different of you need a line or page break.
They all will be placed in a linear layout and each table will be a separate entity without have any relation with each other.
Below is a good example of how GridTable’s are works together.


Point Accumulated Questionnaire

This is designed mainly for survey applications. This is a questionnaire and each answer will have certain points and on selection it will be added into a total. A point accumulated questionnaires will always have a list of questions and then optional visuals options like showing a percentage column or a maximum point’s column. Headers of the questionnaires are customizable.
Answers can be shown as dropdown list or as a radio buttons.


Note: Radioboxes questionnaires can be done only with linear layout.